Definition: A maze with repeatedly dividing paths, forcing the traveler to choose among options, some of which may be dead ends, so that the traveler has no assurance of ever reaching the goal. An undivided path and no choices to make other than traveling onward through the winding pattern.
The solving of the labyrinth challenges the traveler to question the true nature of human identity as well as key human characteristics through traditional qualities that are exclusively ascribed to humans, like morality, creativity, and freedom. Eventually, the quest through the labyrinth encourages the traveler to reflect on the very nature of being human, and the conflicted nature: disobedience and worthiness within divinity.
Often bewildering and complex paths may tease the traveler by leading now inward, then suddenly outward. Passing to the center of the labyrinth and returning to its circumference represents the involution and evolution of oneself within the universe, divine nature, and most importantly the journey into the center of our own being. The achievement there of; is a quest for wholeness, and the subsequent return to our divine source.